lots of rubbish made by me!

About Me

My photo
Churchby, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
I'm super immature, and I look it too.
I can assure you I'm actually 19, even if you do look at my ID twice.
I dress crazily and everyone thinks I'm weird but actually they know I'm really well cool.
hahahaha not. ARGH I'M 19 NOWWWWWW

Sunday, 14 November 2010

English Students...

...that cannot spell.

and I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaate Macaulay Culkin
but there was no other way to describe my face!

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

i am sooo cold

in my room with the heater on!
I want to wear my fur coat to my lectures today
"but what if i'm toooo warm!"
oh well :)

I really should do something productive with the internet, but oh well!
blah blah blah... smiley face LOLZ ;D

Friday, 5 November 2010


the worst thing about being home

is the fact i miss my weasels :(
especially when we have a little argument
or i do something stupid :(
because i can't see him and make up with him
and tell him things will be okay
especially when he has nothing to worry about
i miss weasels :(