lots of rubbish made by me!

About Me

My photo
Churchby, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
I'm super immature, and I look it too.
I can assure you I'm actually 19, even if you do look at my ID twice.
I dress crazily and everyone thinks I'm weird but actually they know I'm really well cool.
hahahaha not. ARGH I'M 19 NOWWWWWW

Sunday, 31 October 2010

Ross Noble

Me and Wesley went to see Ross Noble in Leicester on Thursday.
I was really excited about it! Although, I'm not too keen on him, I know that Wesley absolutely adores him! He's funny at times, but I'm not on the floor like Wesley is.
Therefore, I was hoping to be pleasantly surprised, and fall in love with him after seeing him live. I was expecting my expectations to be met and exceeded.
I hadn't seen much of his stuff, although he's always around on the television and I've watched a few of his videos.
In the first half, I laughed quite a lot at him, but I could mostly guess what he was going to say. (probably because I share the same humor as him? but most probably because his jokes are predictable)
Even though Wesley goes on and on about how he's not scripted, and how he always tells funny stories.
I can see that's true now, as in the second half he was constantly telling stories, and was just chatting with people from the audience. Some of it was cringeworthy, but the rest made me laugh so much!
Wesley doesn't believe me because I told him I didn't really find him that funny in the first half! However I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and I especially loved seeing Wesley laugh lots and lots and lots :)